STOÀ Journal. Strumenti per l’insegnamento della progettazione architettonica

Rivista Quadrimestrale
ISSN 2785-0293
Iscrizione al Registro Stampa del Tribunale di Napoli n° 42/2021 del 13/07/2021.

Con delibera del Consiglio Direttivo Anvur n. 49 del 20-02-2025, la rivista ha ottenuto la classificazione in classe A per i settori 08/D1 progettazione architettonica e 08/E2 restauro e storia dell’architettura, dal numero 1, estate 2021, e successivi.

STOÀ is a Italian journal published in print every four months. STOÀ is intended as a space to investigate roots and cultural horizons of contemporary educational projects through an international geography of themes and positions, and a tool to explore possible limits and criticalities, reconnecting newly emerging instances to the founding issues of the discipline. We will look at theories, techniques and practices of design, involved in the process of teaching architecture. The magazine is focused on architectural design, on its didactics, its methods and its objectives, by collecting some of the most relevant experiences combining academic research and educational practices, presenting their results while trying to distil the reasons and highlight structures and tools inherent in its construction.